
Download the last version for mac XYplorer 24.50.0100
Download the last version for mac XYplorer 24.50.0100

download the last version for mac XYplorer 24.50.0100

  • 30-Day Free Trial: If you have not registered yet, the download runs as 30-day trial version free of charge.
  • Hash Values: The file XYHash-.txt contains hash values of the above download packages.
  • Do not install or use a copy of XYplorer where the digital signature is missing or not valid. Make sure to check the digital signature.
  • Digital Signature: To ensure origin and integrity of the download all executable files (.EXE files) are digitally signed by "Cologne Code Company e.K.".
  • Use the command Select Language in menu Help to download and activate the interface language of your choice.

    download the last version for mac XYplorer 24.50.0100

    Multilingual Support: XYplorer supports 28 different interface languages.For a 100% portable version without installer/uninstaller see Portable Packages It doesn’t require any installation or changes to your system or registry. Portability: XYplorer is a portable application.Bitness: XYplorer is a 32-bit application and runs on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.

    Download the last version for mac XYplorer 24.50.0100